Friday, December 20, 2013

How You Can Affect Your Pregnancy

By Ian Lenny

When most people decide that they want to have a child, they start to consider what they can do to boost their chances of conception. One of the first things many people can do is search for methods to determine if the female in the couple is most fertile. Almost all such fertility tracking systems depend on a woman's period, and where she is in her own cycle.

Since most women have a 28 day cycle you will have to base your calculations around that instead of a standard monthly calendar. Most people will first need to verify that the woman's period is actually 28 days as some women's period length can fluctuate. From there most experts agree the most fertile time is from the 14th-17th day of the cycle. This is because around day 14 the hormones peak for 2-3 days before the egg is released.

During this 2-3 day period the egg is viable. Most people mistakenly assume that they ave a 1-3 day period during which conception is most likely to take place should a couple take part in sexual activity. What people do not realize is the fact that sperm can live in the woman's body for approximately 6 days after lovemaking. For this reason and time from 3 days before until 3 days following the woman's hormone peak is easily the most fertile period. This implies that whenever from a woman's 11th day to a woman's 17th day of her cycle will be the ideal time for a couple to engage in sexual activity whenever they want a child.

Another misconception many people believe is that you can know if a woman is pregnant simply by observing if she's got her period. Many people do not understand that a lady may have a period whether or not or not she is pregnant. On the other side on the coin it's possible that a woman will not have here period for a number of reasons, not just because of pregnancy. People regularly mistakenly think that a woman cannot become pregnant while she's on her period. A woman can as there is usually a 2 day period between the start of menstration and the release of the egg. Women usually can feel as this section of their cycle approaches because they have an increase in leutinizing hormone which may increase sexual interest.

Another extremely prevalent misconception is the fact that a couple can impact the sex of their baby by being sexually active at different times, or assuming different sexual positions. This is a misconception that has caused untold amounts of pain as people are then more likely to blame themselves should they conceive the wrong gender. Many cultures have used calendars to track what times couples are going to be most likely to have a particular gender. Statistically speaking this really does make sense. However science supports the idea that usually couple have a 50/50 chance of having either gender baby. These many misconceptions about conception may cause untold psychological suffering. In the end nearly all what couples worry about is up to fate.

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