Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Effects of Obesity on Pregnant Women

By Jess Biel

Our bodies were designed for specific purposes. What's more amazing is that how well our body parts work in supporting each other. =) There are very few machines that can compete with the genius of the design of the human body. Even with the advancement of medical and technological research, thousands of years of study are still not enough to fully uncover the mysteries of our human anatomy and physiology. The truth comes down to this however, we put things into our bodies, and abuse our bodies in ways that our bodies were simply not designed to take and yet we still manage to adapt and survive many of these things. Further information is accessible through Toronto fertility.

Lots of negative health risks could result from obesity. Some of these consequences we know. Some we don't. Recent studies have shown that yet another potential consequence of obesity is difficulty when it comes to conceiving a baby. Fertility troubles are a growing problem in this country and around the world. Many medical research have proven that obesity plays a major role in fertility. Luckily, self-healing is an enchanting ability of our body. By this, conceiving a healthy baby can be possible even with obese women.

Consult a fertility specialist if you have been trying to get pregnant for a year or more and you still haven't conceived a child. Though it is rarely a bad idea to adopt a healthier lifestyle you should also consult your doctor before beginning a strict diet or weight loss regimen in order to make sure there aren't other factors that may be causing your weight issues.

This is particularly true if you have gained a good deal of weight in a rather short amount of time. Another consideration when it comes to obesity and fertility is that being overweight can also hamper the affects of fertility treatments. This means that the process is typically lengthier and will cost significantly more over time than if obesity were not a factor. When coupled with the risks to the baby this is something that should not be taken lightly when making plans for fertility treatments. If your BMI is greater than 30 there are many fertility clinics that simply will not offer their services.

Some limit it to greater than 35 and others 40. If you feel that fertility treatments are the only course of action available to you and your BMI is greater than 30, the first suggestion you are likely to hear is the suggestion that you make serious weight loss efforts and lifestyle changes before proceeding. You may find that once you begin to shed the pounds, fertility intervention is no longer necessary.

Luckily, self-healing is an enchanting ability of our body. Meaning, obese women who are planning to get pregnant still has a chance to give birth to a healthy baby.

For a start, if you're an obese woman planning to be pregnant, you can stay active and attain physical health before being pregnant.

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