Sunday, December 22, 2013

Craving During Pregnancy

By Garcelina Duvantes

During pregnancy cravings are natural, so is having strong aversions. Powerful cravings as well sudden dislikes of foods that were once eaten are commonplace in pregnancy and while any doctor will not show much concern over this, they will however start showing concern when these craving start to extend to unnatural and harmful substances that have no nutritional value.

These substance may include among other things a craving for dirt, starch, chalk etc. In its more milder form this problem known by the latin word pica because it is named after the magpie bird involves a craving for ice. This is because the magpie is know for its strange eating habits. If a woman is expecting and finds herself craving any of these unusual substance she should call or visit her doctor at once in order to deal with this potentially dangerous habit that could see harm being done to both mother and baby.

This craving is named pica and is the latin for the magpie bird. Whenever a pregnant woman encounters these sorts of cravings, she ought to tell her health care provider about it as soon as possible to ensure that it is dealt with. While a craving for ice isn't considered dangerous, a craving for other more unnatural substances such as dirt, starch among other things is potentially harmful.

Let's look at some regular craving and what some nutritionist think they mean. It is thought that a craving for chocolate may mean there is a deficiency in magnesium, consuming more vegetables and nuts should curb the problem. A longing for chicken can mean that you need more protein. Likewise some nutritionists believe that an aversion to certain food or drink in pregnancy is simply a natural reaction to what is potentially harmful for the fetus.

Some food aversions might not only be based on nutrition they might be psychologically rooted you may begin hating food or drink which can be detrimental to your developing fetus. For example you might have loved coffee or a certain wine but discover you suddenly have an aversion to it. This is likely because you know these things should not be consumed in pregnancy and so the sig/ht and smell of it turns your stomach..

The best thing a woman can do is give in to some of her cravings as long as this is done in moderation and are not foods that have harmful effects on the baby. However as discussed earlier, your doctor should be consulted immediately to curb any unusual or unnatural cravings as these can be harmful to the baby, do not ever be afraid to discuss your cravings and aversions with your doctor.

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